Archive | June, 2013

Hey Hey!

7 Jun

Hey Hey Ya’ll. 😉

Long time no type!


I keep saying I’m going to do all these fun blog posts, then I just get too dang busy. I hate being busy! 

I’ve been back to work for 3 weeks now, and its exhausting. On top of that, I’m working two jobs, about 60 hours a week. It’s far too much, when you add it with all of my other things I have to do. Here’s a small sample of my daily list: Shower(sometimes lol), Get cute, clean the house, do the dishes, do laundry, cook, walk the dog, clean the cat box, clean the house again!, eat, protein, water, sip sip sip, walk, work out, bible study,eat, drink, sell origami owl, photography, spend time with other humans, eat, drink, zumba, group fit, more dishes, eat, sip sip sip. Oh. And sleep somewhere in there. lol. It’s exhausting.

I found out this week that I have been approved to go unscheduled at my job at the hospital (meaning I’m still an employee, but just pick up extra shifts) which will be wonderful to have some extra time. I will be able to get all the hours I need at my other job, which I like better anyway.

I met with the physical therapist yesterday for my 7 week follow up. It was a different one than I saw before. She is the sports therapist at the local community college, so it was cool to get another perspective. She was super proud of me for some of the accomplishments I’ve made since surgery.

I ran (ok I walked) my first 5k!! It was in 1 hr. 7 min. which is slow, yes, but I did it. And for that, I am so so proud. It was seriously one giant hill. It was killer, and it sucked. But afterwards, I was so pumped. I can’t wait to do one again. Which I will be doing soon, because I am signed up for the 5k Foam Fest in August, and  the WARRIOR DASH in September. Both of them are going to kick my butt, but I can’t wait to say I did them. 

The physical therapist was also proud that I started jogging, but asked if there was any pain, and when I showed her where, she told me I can’t jog anymore until I am under 200. dang. I was just getting started too. But she said I was allowed to do fast walking and incline, so it will be just as intense. 

So for now, no more couch to 5k app for me. 

I’ve also started cooking a lot more. Ideally, I’d love to post all my recipes, but I just don’t have the time. Maybe someday 🙂

So some numbers for you guys to compare:

HW: 295

DOS: 258


yayyy! It’s just melting off. I’m so proud of myself. And I’m so proud of you all!! Love reading how everyone else is doing. It’s very encouraging.




Post Op Week 6 Update

1 Jun

WHAT?!!!!? Why?!!!? You Ain't Even "That Big"

Well at Least You Carry It Well......You're "Proportionate"

A Bariatric Story

My journey to having bariatric surgery and beyond

...Dances, Rants, Raves and Generally Steals the Show

The Skinny Girl Inside

My journey to good health: Weightloss and gastric by-pass surgery.